November 2015

Yellow Jackets – Don’t Leave them Untreated

YELLOW JACKETS INVADE HOMEOWER’S DRYER VENT    Actual Field Photo of a exterior dryer vent swarming with buzzing Yellow Jackets. As the summer weather grew hotter, the bee activity increased outside which means the nest was growing larger inside the homeowner’s siding/wall void. If left untreated, the yellow jackets may have made their way inside

Yellow Jackets – Don’t Leave them Untreated Read More »

Carpenter Ants – What an Infestation Can Do

HENNEBRY COMBATS CARPENTER ANTS IN LONG VALLEY     Actual Field photos of Carpenter Ant infestation in Homeowner’s gargage – both on the interior wall and exterior foundation. Carpenter ants are exceptionally destructive pests that can cause serious structural damage if left untreated. Damage can be quite costly to repair. Carpenter ants will establish a

Carpenter Ants – What an Infestation Can Do Read More »


THIS THANKSGIVING………… 11/2015 Don’t let those Plump Pantry Pests invade your kitchen cabinets while you scurry to make a cake or two….. Don’t let Sprawling Black Spiders dangle from your chandeliers and lamps as you set your holiday table……….. Don’t let Crispy Fat-Bodied Cave Crickets jump around your dark corners of your basement working their


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